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Stephen and Debora Lopez

Stephen and Debora Lopez
Stephen and Debora Lopez

God has led us to serve at a church restart in Manhattan. We currently minister bilingually (Spanish and English) as part of a leadership team of both missionaries and pastoral staff. We also assist in a community youth ministry.

Many churches in New York City are currently struggling as many people are relocating and moving out of the city. At the same time, the city is constructing more housing around our church building, providing great opportunities for church growth. We are excited and honored to join in the work God is doing in Manhattan!

Venture Fund
Our ministry often involves extra expenses to go towards different projects and needs we want to help meet in the community. This fund goes beyond our own financial needs and helps us to further our ministry in ways we wouldn't be able to without your help.
Family Gift (Not Tax-Deductible)
Contribute to their ministry by encouraging them with a small gift for Christmas or their birthday. Please understand that these types of gifts are not eligible for a tax-deductible receipt.