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Evangelical in every way, MissionGO (Global Outreach Mission) is committed to spreading the Gospel of the grace of God as revealed in the Word of God. We enjoy fellowship with Christians of like faith and cross many denominational lines for the primary objective of winning souls for Jesus Christ.


MissionGO encourages and serves missionaries who are called by the Holy Spirit to serve the Lord as He leads them.


MissionGO takes the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people. We seek for everyone to know and experience His life-changing work.


We often say, “Fulfill Your Calling Under Our Umbrella.” Although there are specific openings that need to be filled in many areas around the world, we are always open to the possibility of finding you a place where your particular calling can be answered and best used. You may have a special burden, a specific type of ministry or a special God-given concern for a particular country or people. Wherever your understanding of God's agenda is leading you, we listen!


We offer flexibility in ministry, offering each missionary representative complete liberty to follow their convictions and the direction of the Holy Spirit in communicating the message of the Gospel. MissionGO serves as an umbrella to assist in the administration and representation of the individual. We maintain no age limit for service. Providing the individual senses God's call to serve, we commission semi-retirees, those who are in retirement and young people following graduation.

We offer a variety of options in service: Summer: from three to eight weeks; Short-term: 1 week-36 months; and Career: as long as the Lord directs. We maintain individual support accounts on behalf of all missionary personnel. We believe there is no division in the mandate given to the church, whether the individuals come from North America, Europe or any other part of the globe. National personnel, as well as those serving from North America and Europe are invited to come under our umbrella—we make no distinction between the two. We are very diverse in our ministry and have a wide range of services, including church planting, missionary aviation, radio, medical, community development, and various forms of evangelism. We maintain offices in the USA and Canada, offering full service for our missionary personnel in the area of administration.


Global Outreach Mission DBA MissionGO is a 501(c)(3)—meeting all standards of the IRS as a faith mission with the highest standard of accountability. We are a registered charity under the Canadian Revenue Agency. GOM is accredited with ECFA and is an associate of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities.

Originally founded in 1943, MissionGO's evangelistic outreach now reaches over 55 countries around the globe.  (Charity Registration and IRS determination letter can be provided upon request.)