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Jeff has been helping to mobilize the local Church for missions while helping believers live missionally for the past 24 years. Jeff has been the director of GAP Year programs, served in leadership roles, and trained short-term mission teams. Jeff is serving with MissionGO in the area of church relations and short-term mobilization. Jeff co-directs a GAP Year program in Costa Rica. Jeff also trains believers for missions and to live missionally while connecting the local Church with the global Church. As part of his ministry, Jeff works with pastors to educate and train the local Church in the area of missions. This includes short-term trips with pre-field, on-field, and post-field training. Jeff's goal is that his ministry will result in new missionaries, Gospel saturation, and new churches. Jeff also serves as the Missions and Outreach Pastor in his local church while also serving on the Executive Boards of two Gospel-centered ministries.

Jeff and Cindy have been married for 40 years and are blessed with 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren.

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We are looking for individuals or teams to serve, learn, and grow in Buffalo, NY! Spend a week working alongside various ministries to serve refugees, care for homeless men and women, and learn about the church planting and revival taking place across the region. Join in God’s amazing work throughout the city! Please contact Jeff Hackett ( or visit for further information.